Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Proverbs 31 Woman

In my description you see that I say that I am a "striving Proverbs 31 Woman". What does that mean you might wonder? I aim to tell you...
I ran across a website a few years ago that immediately captured my heart called Proverbs 31 Ministry and they are women who strive to be Biblical, loving, caring, Godly wives and mothers. They provide daily devotionals, inspiration, books, and advice for the every day mom and wife to become closer to Christ and more Christ-like in practical in their/your every day lives. 

Taken from AVirtousWoman.org

Proverbs is one of my all time favorite books because wisdom is at the very heart of the book of Proverbs. Most of the book was written by King Solomon, whom God blessed with the gift of great wisdom. Proverbs allows us to delve into subjects as varies as money, relationships, folly, adultery, child-rearing, contentment, and choosing good companions. Proverbs is in my opinion one of thee most practical books of the Bible because its full of messages that apply to our every day lives no matter what decade we live in. The book is literally a treasure trove of advice. Godly wisdom is one of life's most important  and valuable pursuits, worth much more than material wealth. People can choose to read this book monthly, one chapter each day, to be sure to keep the lessons learned at the front of their minds. If you have never read Proverbs I strongly encourage you to do so and if you are a wife and mom specifically Proverbs 31:10-31 which talks about The Wife Of Noble Character. While I am in love with these particular books of Proverbs, I know that the entire book is critical in applying Godly wisdom to every situation in every day. 

I grew up reading and memorizing Scripture. It's incredibly important for us to spend time in God's Word because the Holy Spirit speaks through us. We can pray for wisdom until we're blue in the face and we can ask for the Holy Spirit to speak through us but The Holy Spirit cannot and will not speak through us unless we take the time to memorize Scripture and have it hidden in our hearts and available for when we need it. We are going to encounter many situations on a daily basis where we will have a chance to witness to those around us. If you don't already have Scripture hidden in your heart then what are you going to draw from when it's time to witness or when it's time to defend or stand up for what you believe and claim to live? Bottom line, what I am saying, is that we have got to memorize versus that back up our claims for our Christian lifestyle and so that we understand what we believe and why we believe it. Having Scripture hidden in our hearts will seep out into every single faucet of our lives. Not only is it important and critical but it makes us happier. I want to help you memorize Proverbs so I've picked out some of my favorite versus for your Scripture reading plan and memory verse plan for 2015. I PROMISE you that by memorizing these simple and practical versus, your life will change. You will start relating to people and situations in your life differently because you will be able to apply these to your life very easily! 

Once you decide to read through Proverbs and memorize these Scriptures and find the ones that you love the most I would love to hear from you on how they affect you and how you've been able to apply them to your life. Please...I love to hear from you! 

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