My frustration with politics is just about boiling over...I have made it MORE than clear I am NOT a Trump fan/supporter and if he ends up being our only choice, unless God intervenes in a major way, I will abstain from voting or will write in my vote. With that being said...I am pretty sick of seeing who I consider a very Godly man, Dr. Ben Carson, being bashed and ridiculed with some of the nastiest comments from so called Christians, because of his endorsement.
Some of these so called Christians (I.e. Matt Walsh for one) who bash Trump on a daily basis for the nasty things he says have said just as nasty and disgusting things about Carson, which is the definition of the pot calling the kettle black. I agree that Trump has made some major mistakes in his life, career, and this election, however, he is a human being. A fallible human being, just like the rest of us. No sin is greater than another and we ALL fall short of the glory of God, right Christians??
The wonderful thing about being a follower of Christ is our unwavering faith in His design, plan, and will. Gods providence tells us that we don't know, but we know God knows and every time we allow our flesh to control us and doubt the will of our Creator we are essentially telling Him He doesn't know what He is doing, that we in our pathetic minds know better. How incredibly pompous and disobedient we are. It makes me so ashamed. It makes me fall to the foot of the Cross grasping the ankles of the Man who died for our sins, begging Him for forgiveness. Forgiveness that I don't deserve. The same forgiveness that some think Trump doesn't deserve, and would probably be right. But we ask for it right? We pray for it, we hope that God shows us His goodness and His Mercy. Does Donald Trump not deserve the same mercy that we ask for? Who are we to say he doesn't?
My mind screams NO at a Trump Presidency and my mind screams NO at a Carson endorsement but my heart screams something else. My heart is telling me that God uses people. My heart tells me God desires ALL to come to repentance and be with Him in eternity. My heart tells me that God wants a relationship with ALL of His children and that He will and can move Heaven and Earth to make that happen, if He chooses. My heart tells me that Dr. Ben Carson is led by God and that God has big big plans for him and for some reason Trump is within that plan. I am no one to question that and neither are any of you.
God may very well be using Ben to influence Trump and witness to him, and to show him Gods love and mercy and forgiveness. God may just be calling Trump into repentance and into a relationship with him and if one of us with our judgment and unforgiving hearts say or do anything to prevent that, we WILL be held accountable at the pearly gates. We are not to say or do anything that would cause our brethren to fall and stumble and we just may be guilty of doing that.
A friend said that she did not know how God could use Carson to influence Trump. This belief or in my opinion, unbelief, says that God cannot redeem the drug addict, the alcoholic, the liar, the thief, the adulterer, etc, etc, etc. In my heart I know that is WRONG. The Bible tells me that is wrong. Does God lie? Do we dare continue calling God a liar by continually trying to control this election? I fear that would be a major mistake.
I am praying for our country, this election, the candidates, and us as voters. I am praying for Gods will and I am praying and trusting He is in control of 100% of this whole circus. I am praying that Donald Trump finds a relationship with God and repents for his mistakes. I believe in miracles. I believe in second chances. I believe God can take the worst of the worst and create something beautiful out of their mess. I have to believe this because otherwise I being one of those worst of the worst cannot be made beautiful, forgiven, righteous or saved. I would suggest that all of my fellow Christian brothers and sisters fall at the foot of the cross, ask for forgiveness, and remember that Christ died on the cross to save Donald Trump as much as He died to save us.
Amen my daughter, amen. My exact feelings also.