Saturday, March 15, 2014

To be red-haired is better than to be without a head...

So many super awesome things about this time of year...Spring...Green...St. Patricks birthday!!!
I was chuckling to myself today thinking that if you know me, it doesn't matter if you love me or if you hate me, you can never forget me on my birthday. 

St. Patrick's Day!

People all over the world celebrate on the 17th day of March in honor of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Some cities have parades, most revelers wear green, and a few families commemorate the day with traditional Irish fare for their meal. However, not everyone may know who St. Patrick is.

Born in Britain during the 4th century, St. Patrick was kidnapped and enslaved by Irish raiders when he was a teenager. Although he was able to escape after six years and become a priest in Britain, he later chose to return to Ireland as a missionary, in order to help spread the teachings of Christianity to pagans. According to Irish folklore, he also used a shamrock to explain the Christian concept of Trinity to the Irish. In spite of continuous opposition from pagan leaders, he continued to evangelize for thirty years while baptizing newly converted Christians and establishing monasteries, churches, and schools. He died on March 17th and was canonized by the local church.

St. Patrick's Day was first publicly celebrated in Boston in 1737 where a large population of Irish immigrants resided. Nearly 200 years later, the first St. Patrick's Day parade in the Irish Free State was held in Dublin in 1931. During the mid 90's, the Irish government also began a campaign to promote tourism in Ireland on March 17th.

While many Catholics still quietly celebrate this day of religious observance by going to mass, St. Patrick's Day slowly evolved to become a celebration of Irish heritage. Through the years, along with legendary shamrocks, many symbols were included in festivities that are reflective of Ireland's folklore, culture, and national identity (think leprechauns, ethnic cuisine, and wearing green). Other places that join in on this celebration include Japan, New Zealand, Argentina, and Canada, along with many cities across the United States.

I am turning 35 this year, Monday March 17th to be exact. I wanted to share some of my thoughts, memories and favorite things about this day. First, a little history...

I was born at 11:28 pm on March 17, 1979 (which sadly means that I only have 32 true minutes of this birthday) to my Mom Debbie and my Dad Frank. My Momma was in labor with my for a good 24 hours and thankfully got me out just in time for this wonderful birthday. 

My Mom is where I get my Irish and my Dad is where I get my German. Two pretty freaking awesome combo's if you want a drunkin and mouthy angry fire ball...

But that is NOT me at all :)

In fact, I am quite pleasant

Or at least that is what I want you to see.

I have had so many awesome birthdays and one thing about them that have been so great is that I get to celebrate my heritage along with the day I was born. My mom's maiden name is McAdoo and McMaines so how can you get any more Irish than that? 

One of the best memories I have is when my Aunt Phyllis delivered a little special cake and puzzle to me at school for my birthday. I think I was maybe in 1st or 2nd grade and it just made the day so special for me. Recently she made me a cake again and brought it to church for me. It made me feel incredibly special that she took that time to think of me and do something that I would appreciate and that is her baking for me. 

A few years ago we were blessed here in Des Moines to have really great weather (I believe it was in the high 70's that day) and we got to the St. Patrick's Day Parade in downtown Des Moines and celebrate. It was one of the best birthdays I've had yet and still holds special memories for me. 

This year I'm taking it a little easier only because my birthday falls on a stupid Monday and well, shite, it's cold out there!! 

Every year I have to buy pink cake and pink frosting for my birthday because I love them! I will make cupcakes again so if I have left overs it's easy to take to work and share :)

And of course...what Irish girl doesn't have red hair?

I want to share with you some of my favorite Irish prayers and proverbs...

Christ be with me
Christ before me
Christ behind me
Christ in me
Christ beneath me
Christ above me
Christ on my right
Christ on my left
Christ where I lie
Christ where I sit
Christ where I arise
Christ in the heart of every man
who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of every man
who speaks of me
Christ in every eye that sees me
Christ in every ear that hears me
Salvation is of the Lord.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

May you all have a blessed St.Patrick's Day holiday!!!