Father God,
I come to You right now before I write this blog asking humbly at your Son's feet that what I am about to say will glorify You and will speak your truth, I know Father that not everyone who reads this is a Christian and I pray that you will send your Holy Spirit to their hearts and minds that they may receive your message through me. I know that many who read this Lord will be believers in You and I pray that you will block any attempt by Satan for them to hear Your message through me and that Satan will not be able to cause them to feel offended or not be able to be receptive of Your word through me. Father, please bless my every word and help it to be pleasing to Your ear and may I not out step my knowledge or say anything that does not glorify You.
In Jesus precious name I pray,
To give you some history about myself, full self-disclosure, and admittance to my own sin, I want to state that I am NOT without sin in this topic. Growing up in a pretty liberal Christian home I was taught early on the evils behind Halloween both at home, in school, and in church. Our church celebrated by having the alternative "Harvest Party" for many years during my youth but I do admit that my parents did allow me and a girlfriend to go out "trick or treating" in costumes. The first costume I remember wearing at Harvest Party at church was Raggedy Ann...pretty innocent right? The next costumes I remember wearing when I joined the secular world to go to strangers doors and ask for candy was several consecutive years as a Vampire. Not very Godly right? Of course into my older teenage and young adult years I gave up trick or treat night and exchanged it for Halloween parties. My path in the secular world and my history in Satanism and my walk that was contrary from God made it very easy for me to participate in these events and think nothing of it. If I wasn't completely ignoring God and His pleas for me to come back to Him, I was justifying my indulgence as innocent fun because I knew Him and I couldn't possibly praise Satan because I was a follower in Christ. When my son was born both his Dad and I had him also participate in this holiday. His first Halloween he wasn't but 5 months old and we dressed him up as a pea pod because Daddy always called him sweet pea. Again...pretty innocent right? Over the years my son dressed in costumes that were not necessarily "satanic" in nature, I refused the typical vampire, or other type of scary costumes and thought that because he went as a "greaser" or Darth Vador, or Spider-man, or King Tut, that we were not glorifying Satan at all and that taking him door to door trick or treating was just an innocent right of passage that every kid got to experience and because I believed in God, we went to church, and he went to church school that we were immune from Satan's influence and all was wonderful with the world.
( I have TONS of photos I could show you of super cute and funny Halloween costumes my family has dressed up as over the years but, I won't show you because I truly feel as though my sin and my open showing you of my sin causes you as my sister and brother to sin and I refuse to do so)
Over the years I have read many articles and inspiration by my church such as What Every Christian Should Know About Halloween and I have again scoffed and thought, oh whatever, that's not me, that's not how I feel. I'm not like that. Seven years ago when Halloween fell on the Sabbath (the 30th being a Friday night and the 31st being on Saturday) I chose against the warning of my Dad to participate and go out with some friends bar hopping in costume. Without going into too much detail that would be a whole other blog of its own, our "innocent" night ended in complete and utter disaster and began a rode through a hell that I never in my life would have imagined I would ever go through. The following Halloween I again, instead of learning my lesson, indulged in this holiday and took my son out in costume trick or treating, all in the midst of walking through this complete and utter devastation I was experiencing in my life. Some may argue that what I was going through was just a coincidence and had nothing to do with my indulgences but I can tell you that the experiences I was going through were very real, very raw, and Satanic influences were swarming around me. Have you ever been praying intently about something and a picture that represented something important in your life fly off the wall by itself? Have you ever had everything in your life taken away from you in a swift singular moment? Have you ever had nightmares night after night after night of the most horrendous demonic subjects that you were afraid to sleep? Have you ever felt depression, anxiety, and migraine headaches to the point that you wanted to end your own life? Have you ever drank yourself into a complete numbness including taking medication on top of it that you forgot where and who you were and didn't care if you lived or died? Have you ever sat and listened to music so dark and depressing and evil and felt the forces of evil surround you and yet didn't care because your life didn't matter anymore? If you have and you can even attempt to tell me that it had nothing to do with demonic oppression then I would love to know your secret.
Why do I call out Halloween now you ask? Why after all these years of openly observing and celebrating this holiday with no question and no regard would I now be a hypocrite now and say please for the love of God stop? I will tell you... Sin, is sin. We can be the most accepting and liberal Christians there is and I grew up in a home like that and I did and do it with my own child. We can try as hard as we can to justify our sins as innocent and that we are not harming anyone but the bottom line is that we as Christians CANNOT EVER partake and justify evil or sinful behavior and claim to be God believing and fearing folk and expect to ever win the secular world onto our side in our active sin.
You and I can try and justify many issues in our life and ultimately make a decision if we should proceed or not. We can justify celebrating Halloween, fornication, homosexuality, the use of marijuana, etc, etc, etc. But to our own shame, it is "we" that is justifying and not the word of God as our one and only authority. In other words, we are and become hypocrites. We condemn certain sins like homosexuality, yet practice fornication outside of marriage. We celebrate Halloween, yet we are called to the the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16). We cannot cherry pick Bible versus that conform to our life and leave out the rest. These 66 letters were written to govern every aspect of our lives, economics, marriage, workplace, friendship, church assemblies, etc. If you're only a once a week Christian who worships on Sabbath or Sunday, the Lord describes you as a woman's menstrual rags (Isaiah 64:6, Proverbs 15:8, Proverbs 21:27). You must reexamine (2 Corinthians 13:5) who is Lord over your life. Satan wants you to be Lord over your life so that you are not dependent on God (Genesis 3:5), when falling for this snare you are accepting the spiritual mark of the beast (666). As Christian parents would you allow your child to practice pagan worship such as playing with tarot cards, or an Ouija board, light candles and have a psychic reading? No!! Absolutely NOT! Or at least I pray that you would not. Why then is practicing this pagan and demonic ritual such as dressing up in scary costumes and going door to door asking for candy any different? Halloween if you look up the history is nothing more than a demonic pagan ritual that does nothing else but glorify Satan and no matter how you try and spin it as innocent, it will NEVER be that.
So in short, a Christian should not be celebrating Halloween, instead they should expose it (Ephesians 5:11) to their kids for the filth that it is. Take the time and preach the Gospel to your own children rather than robbing them of the joy of the Lord. "And Whoever receives on such child in My Name receives me; but whoever causes on of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be frowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks comes! Mathew 18:5-7.
Do not attempt to conform yourself to the world and partake in demonic activities because brothers and sisters, this holiday is far from innocent, far from non-evil, and far from not being Satanic in every sense of the meaning and word. I can personally testify and I have provided you more than enough proof outside of my own experience to show you that this "holiday" is nothing more than glorifying Satan himself. I know that there are SO many people that will disagree with me and I welcome you to expose yourselves and your reasoning but I know you won't because deep down, you know I tell the truth. Please brothers and sisters, STOP doing this. Stop compromising. Stop letting your children be exposed to this garbage. Please dig and search for yourselves the origination and meaning behind this day and...